Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 34 in total

The Only Metric that Matters [REVISITED]

You can track lots of metrics and they're likely to give you a good idea of how your business is doing. But when it comes down to metrics that really matter - metrics ...

The Healthy Balance Between Numbers Obsession and Showing Up

There's no question that numbers play a big role in business. After all, if you can't track your progress and measure your results, how do you know what's working and ...

There are ONLY 3 Types of Customers

If you're in business, then you know that customers are everything. Without them, you don't have a business. But what kind of customers should you be targeting? Are al...

How to Brainstorm Topics for Your Content [REVISITED]

Coming up with topics for your content can be tough. You want to make sure you're providing valuable information while also keeping them interested, but where do you s...

To Publish is to be Human

What does it mean when we say "to publish is to be human"? For me, it's a reminder that we all have something to share, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant....

4 Pillars of Attractive Online Marketing

In business, we are always looking for an edge—something that will set us apart from the competition and make us more attractive to customers. Fortunately, there is a ...

Everything Except Creativity is a Commodity

In today's world, just about everything is a commodity. The only thing that isn't is creativity. But what does that mean for your business? And how can you make sure y...

How Important is Design?

Most people think that design is important. And, it is! But it's definitely not the most important thing, and focusing too much on it could be detrimental. In this epi...

3 Principles of Evidence-Based Marketing

Marketing is a complex and ever-changing beast. What works today might not work tomorrow, and what used to work might not work anymore. Trying to stay on top of the la...

Audit Your Experts

Everybody loves a good expert. We love to hear what they have to say, and we especially love it when they validate our own thoughts and opinions. But how do you know w...

The Life-changing Magic of USPs

What do you think of when you hear the word "magic"? For most people, images of magicians and wizards come to mind. But there is another kind of magic that can be just...

3 Keys to How Marketing Really Works

There's a lot of talk about marketing and what it takes to be successful in it. But the truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Marketing is a ...

People Need (and Want) to be Told What to Do

As much as we like to think of ourselves as independent beings, the truth is that we need and want somebody to tell us what to do. This is especially true when it come...

If I Know What to Do, Why Isn’t It Working!? [REVISITED]

Do you think you already KNOW what you should be doing in your marketing, but it's just NOT working at all? In this episode, we're going to talk about the problem with...

Why Your Stories DO Matter!

Last week, we talked about how telling your story and weaving it into the fabric of your marketing efforts does not actually matter. But today, we’re going to discuss ...

Why Your Story Doesn't Matter

Whether you're starting a new business or updating your current profile, you're probably figuring out how to tell your story and weave it into the fabric of your marke...

Title: 5 Principles to Make Your Website Convert - MRU17

So you've designed and developed your website, but the bounce rate is so high and conversions are so low. You’re maybe wondering what the problem could be. There proba...

The Russian Doll Stack

As business owners, we always want to find new ways to market our products better. However, thinking of a new marketing strategy could oftentimes be costly but may hav...

What to Do When You Lose a Client

In business, you may have heard the saying that “Your most valuable asset is your network”, and by “network”, it means your clients, existing or potential ones. But wh...

What the Heck is a Sales Funnel and How Do I Get One Now?!

You're a business person. You have a business idea, and you're going to sell an awesome product, right? So how do you market it? How do you make people buy the thing t...

My Secret Email Marketing Hack for Unlimited Content

Email marketing can be a great way to generate traffic and leads for your business. But what do you do when you run out of ideas for content? I have a secret hack that...

No More Mushy Blob Marketing!

In this episode, we're going to talk about how to stop your marketing from being a blob of mushy goo. We want reach; we want awareness, but we also need results. To do...

How to Brainstorm Topics for Your Content

Coming up with topics for your content can be tough. You want to make sure you're providing valuable information while also keeping them interested, but where do you s...

The Only Metric that Matters

You can track lots of metrics and they're likely to give you a good idea of how your business is doing. But when it comes down to metrics that really matter - metrics ...

5 Things Most Internet Marketers Know That They Haven’t Bothered to Tell You

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful with your online marketing? In today's digital world, if you want a competitive edge over everyone else, then the...

T - The Dancing Monkey Strategy

FINALLY! We're going to talk about advertising! We'll talk about the right way to use it, why most people use it wrong, and how it can help your overall marketing stra...

S - The Currency of the Internet

Content marketing is THE currency of the Internet. Don't believe me? Just look around! All of your favorite companies are undoubtedly creating content of SOME sort on ...

E - Your #1 Sales Channel

You make MORE SALES with email marketing than any other channel in your funnel! By harnessing the power of email marketing, your can make more sales to current, future...

R - Building Trust with the Internet

How do we REALLY get people to buy our products and services? Most people rely on the "know, like, trust" formula, but I think one of those matters more than the other...

C - Your Home Base and Embassies

Welcome to the first episode of a deep dive into our CREST framework! In this episode, we talk about the importance of a conversion-based web presence. Where should yo...

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